Don't Let Dermatitis Get You Down by Solvaderm

Sometimes, no matter how well we take care of our skin or our health, we are simply prone to certain conditions. Dermatitis sufferers know this as well as anyone. For some, this is a condition they have suffered from since childhood, while for others it is something they have had to adjust to as adults. For those who suffer from contact or allergic dermatitis, identifying and avoiding the triggers that lead to itching and inflammation is the best remedy, although this can often be easier said than done. For those with atopic dermatitis, which is believed to have a genetic component and is more usually referred to as Eczema, flare-ups can sometimes be traced to contact with certain environments but can also occur without any traceable cause. This can be frustrating for those dealing with it and in severe cases can interfere with daily life as the dry skin and itching can result in inflammation and bacterial infections due to broken skin.
Like many other serious skin conditions, the exact causes of atopic dermatitis are unknown, although a hereditary aspect is indicated due to its frequency in siblings. While it is not caused by contact with certain compounds or substances in the way contact dermatitis is and, therefore, can’t be entirely eliminated by the avoidance of them, exacerbating factors can be identified over time for the individual which makes management of the condition a little easier.
First line treatments for dermatitis tend to be corticosteroids and emollient moisturizers, although long-term steroid use is not without its own problems. More novel approaches in recent years include the use of UV light which promotes the synthesis of Vitamin D and Vitamin D supplements have been found to reduce the number of flare up’s. Probiotics which are microorganism that promote immune function and occur naturally in some foodstuffs such as live yoghurt, have also been found to be beneficial and go some way to confirming that dermatitis is one of a number of systemic autoimmune disorders that have increased in incidence in the last 100 years. Whether this is down to increased diagnostic tools and better awareness of how to identify the condition or due to changes in the environment is difficult to assess, however studies have shown that those with poor hygiene and who drink unpasteurized milk as children are less likely to develop the condition. This would lead some to believe that there is a correlation between environment and the development of autoimmune conditions.
While for many of us, our skin is something that we take care of for primarily cosmetic reasons, for others moisturizing is a serious matter. Avoiding triggers whether they be stressful situations, diet or contact with specific substances that are known to cause flare ups can be time consuming and restrictive for them and their loved ones. For skincare firms like Solvaderm who employ dermatologists the focus of the work is primarily cosmetic, however, with more investment in research, hopefully discoveries will benefit all areas of skin health.
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